Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie (Source: Wikipedia)
The Lego Movie is really like this super long advertisement that shamelessly promotes a wide series of its toys, and hoping that some of it will stick. Well, it worked. Wonderfully. I know quite a lot of characters have stuck to me (ironically not the main character Emmett). 

To put it simply, I was basically entertained from the beginning to the end. The animation was impressive, and the whole movie was peppered with lame jokes that I couldn't help laughing at. Voice acting is undeniably extremely important in animated shows, and the voice actors did a great job in displaying the extreme ends of the character spectrum in each person. Emmett was both enthusiastic and reluctant at the same time,  Batman was cool but lame, Bad/Good Cop was both good and bad (duh), and Vitruvius was both wise and senile. 

The character cast was wide and diverse, and came from so many different worlds - Batman, Abraham Lincoln, Gandalf, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C3PO, Superman, Wonder Woman, Shaquille O'Neal, Green Lantern and so on, which makes for a delightful experience as you recognise each one of them in the show. And the plot, while being simple enough for kids to understand, also has an underlying maturity that adults would appreciate.

Their propaganda song actually describes this show perfectly.

"Everything is awesome..."

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