Monday, August 22, 2016

A lesson for you, honey

For dinner last Saturday, I planned to make honey-roasted chicken. I dug through the larder to look for honey, and found a bottle... which had expired eight months ago

It's my mother again, I thought. Sometimes she just refuses to throw away expired stuff. Since she was overseas, I thought this was a good chance for me to discard it and buy a new bottle of honey.

This morning, I chanced across this video by AOL, titled "Don't listen to expiration dates on food labels". And near the end of the video...

"For honey? No need to toss this item. This natural sweetener can last you a lifetime."

I gulped. 

A short while later, my mother opened the larder to look for honey, and saw the new bottle. 

"You bought a new bottle of honey? You finished the older bottle?"

"Uhh yes. I was having a sore throat last week so I drank quite a bit of honey, and finished it," I said with a straight face.

Something I will probably remember for a lifetime. Honey never expires.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Gasp; could I have been UNDERcharged by a bank?

Since 2004, I have been tracking my expenses fastidiously. When one of my credit card bills came this month, I went to match it off with my expenses - and found one entry missing. It was at a coffee joint, for $19.30, paid using Apple Pay.

This was surprising - banks seldom make such mistakes. Banks will only "accidentally" charge extra, after all. I thought, maybe I didn't use this credit card, and went to check all my other credit card bills. Nothing came up.

So I went to dig out the actual receipt which I fortunately haven't discarded - and discovered that the credit card number (the last four digits) didn't belong to any of my cards.

I was astonished. How could this have happened? I was very sure that I used Apple Pay for this, so how did another credit card number appear on the receipt instead? The items I ordered were also correct, so the possibility of me taking someone else's receipt by mistake is out. 

Hmm, doesn't this mean that it is entirely possible that we will get charged for someone else's expenses by accident too?