Monday, August 12, 2013

Hurry up

Chanced upon this article today.

It struck a note with me, because of so many eerie similarities between me and the author. (I don't have a kid, though!) Some quotes that can be applied fully to me currently:

"When you are living a distracted life, every minute must be accounted for. You feel like you must be checking something off the list, staring at a screen, or rushing off to the next destination. And no matter how many ways you divide your time and attention, no matter how many duties you try and multi-task, there's never enough time in a day to ever catch up."

"When you live life distracted, you have tunnel vision -- only looking ahead to what's next on the agenda. And anything that cannot be checked off the list is a waste of time."

Maybe I should learn to take a break and enjoy life more. I could totally imagine myself rushing my kid (if I have one) every day, several times a day. "Hurry up and <fill in task here>".

Or maybe I should just not have a kid. That's even easier.

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