Thursday, December 15, 2011

Signs of getting old

I just reached 30 this month. I am getting old, and the signs are plentiful.

1) I used to insist on drinking iced water. Now I ask for warm water more often.
2) One mahjong or drinking session makes me tired for the next 2 days.
3) I try to go to bed earlier, preferably before 1130pm. In the past I would only start using my computer at 1130pm and sleep at 2am.
4) Even during weekends, I wake up at around 8am because I don't want to waste the morning sleeping.
5) I used to eat and drink without worrying about my health. Now... I eat and drink as usual but with a lot of worry and guilt.
6) My appetite is only half of what it used to be.
7) Reading newspapers is now a must. If I were to go overseas and miss out on several days of news, I would catch up on every day once I am back.
8) When I read newspapers, I used to read only the Life section. Now I read every section other than Life.
9) Vegetables are now a necessity in every meal.
10) I am actually aware of who our ministers are.
11) I used to be able to survive on 5 hours of sleep daily. Now I can barely survive with 7.
12) Dinner at home is (usually) much more desirable than dinner with friends outside.
13) Staying at home is a luxury.
14) I used to scoff at supplements. Now I take them daily.
15) In the past, friends > family. Now, family > friends.
16) 3 days without exercising makes me feel uncomfortable. 1 week without exercise is unbearable.
17) Coffee (with less or no sugar) has replaced soft drinks entirely.
18) I used to think that people who need to drink coffee after lunch are very 'uncle'. Now I do the same.
19) I need to think aloud in order to remember what I am thinking.

This list is definitely not exhaustive, so I think I will be adding on to it regularly.

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