Monday, April 11, 2011

Wisdom tooth surgery

Today, I went for a surgery to remove my lower left wisdom tooth. It wasn't really giving me any significant problems - in fact, 3 of my wisdom teeth came out without my knowledge, and the last one is still comfortably nestled deep in my gum. But a visit to the dentist 3 months ago made me realise that one offending wisdom tooth was tilted at a 45 degrees angle against its neighbour, effectively creating a small pocket to collect food. While it could be brushed away, some food would inevitably be forced in between the 2 teeth and create a cavity. An X-ray already showed a light shadow at the neighbouring tooth - evidence of a slight cavity.

The surgery went quite well. The dentist rubbed some cream around the tooth to make it a bit numb first, before giving me local anesthetic via several injections. The injection almost didn't hurt at all - just a slight stinging sensation, probably thanks to the cream. My face and hair was then covered, exposing just the mouth for the surgery.

Honestly, I couldn't really tell what the dentist was doing. He used a drill, but I couldn't really feel anything. I only knew that the offending tooth was gone when I felt stitches in my mouth. He then gave me 4 more anti-swelling jabs - this was more painful, but still not unbearable. And I am officially one wisdom tooth less.

My wisdom tooth looked gross. Not the tooth itself, but rather, the pieces of gum around it. Eww.

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