Monday, January 23, 2012

Misunderstood Foods

Came across an article on Savour (a magazine by Cold Storage) on commonly misunderstood foods. The article is written by nutritionist Sheeba Majmudar, and I have focused on three of the eight foods that she wrote about.


Eggs are commonly believed to be high in cholesterol, and the egg yolk is not good for our health. However, respected medical journals like the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have proved that eating eggs does not increase blood serum cholesterol levels at all. Eggs are actually high in proteins and nutrients, and it is perfectly all right to eat one every day.


It's true that table salt is not beneficial, but rock salt or sea salt (unrefined) is actually good for us. According to the article, they contain over 72 different trace minerals that are vital for all of our body's metabolic functions. It is highly recommended that we use rock salt or sea salt in cooking as a replacement for table salt.


Unlike vegetable oils, butter doesn't oxidise even under high temperatures. It also doesn't contain trans fat, which is commonly found in margarine. However, we should still eat it in moderation because of its high saturated fat contents.

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