Monday, October 31, 2011

iPhone 4S?

When the iPhone 4S was announced several weeks ago, I greeted the news with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. There weren't any truly exciting features. Well, maybe Siri. But I doubt if many of us will use Siri on a very regular basis - after the novelty wears off, Siri will probably be kept in the closet most of the time. Besides, my contract wasn't up yet, so getting a new phone was not really a viable option. 

However, recently I am getting really tempted to buy the iPhone 4S.

Firstly, my iPhone 4 now lags like hell - coincidentally after I installed iOS5. Words with Friends lags so much that sometimes I need to wait for more than a minute for the game to load. It may be because Zynga hasn't released an update for it yet, so I am crossing my fingers. But other apps are also more laggy now - for example, Safari. And when unlocking my phone, the phone now seems to be a bit less responsive, so when I key in my 4-digit passcode, it tends to miss out one digit quite often. 

Of course, my home button is another issue. It is extremely unresponsive, and I would need to press it very hard for it to work. Assistive touches do help to get around this, but it does have its own fair share of problems - coupled with laggy apps, assistive touches only make things worse.

Even if I decide not to get it, can my current iPhone 4 last me for one more year till the iPhone 5 comes out? I am not so hopeful about that.

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