Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chaos Rings Omega

Chaos Rings Omega
I mentioned in a previous post that I was waiting for this game to be on a sale, and my chance came when Chaos Rings 2 was released. Chaos Rings Omega's price was then decreased from US$14.99 to US$5.99, so I bought it without hesitation.

After a few minutes, I came to the conclusion that this game is almost exactly identical to Chaos Rings in terms of gameplay, maps, music, puzzles, and monsters. The slight differences are the puzzles, which are more difficult and give the player the option to skip after three attempts - and the bosses. 

Plot-wise, Chaos Rings Omega takes place ten thousands years (I think) before Chaos Rings. Instead of four couples, the game chooses to focus on the past of one of the key couples in Chaos Rings, and in this aspect, it fares pretty well. There is no need to play the game four times in order to complete the game entirely, so it is shorter and simpler.

In conclusion, this game is a rip-off of the first game, and fortunately I played it six months after completing the first one. Only the plot managed to salvage the game somewhat, and I was playing (paying?) it entirely for the story. Chaos Rings Omega is arguably worth it for the hardcore fan after being on offer at US$5.99. If not, it's a waste of money and many players would feel cheated after paying for it. It feels like a filler to refresh gamers' memories of Chaos Rings before Chaos Rings 2 comes out.

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